
Corinne Walters-Finster

WCSWA Feb. 25 Meeting: Corinne Walters-Finster, Forest Roads

Corinne Walters-Finster is a forester and forestry educator for Starker Forests, a small, family-owned timber company based out of Philomath, Oregon. She spends half of her workdays designing new roads and culverts and maintaining the current road systems.

The other half of her time is spent leading student field trips and engaging in community events, all focused on forestry in Oregon.

Her free time is spent hiking, running, and exploring with friends and family, including helping her husband Austin with his growing business of Finster Forestry in Corvallis. (Note: Austin also graduated from OSU and was one of WCSWA’s scholarship winners). Corinne grew up in a family that cherished time spent outdoors and the natural resources that Oregon has to offer, and although she started college with civil engineering in mind, she ended up back at her roots earning a degree in forest engineering at Oregon State University. She will speak on forest roads and Private Forest Accord requirements.

Please Note: Monthly meetings will now be held at Tualatin Soil and Water Conservation District Office, 7175 NE Evergreen Pkwy Ste 400, Hillsboro, OR

See our Calendar for future programs

February Forest Forum can be found here:  February 2025 Forest Forum

Last Updated on February 2, 2025